

The Genius Inside You Is Still Sleeping

64 is the new 32

Monday, November 27, 2006 by Salman Siddiqui

Looking into the future, we will ship Longhorn (the next version of Windows Server) in the second half of next year, and we will ship a 32-bit and a 64-bit version. That will be the last time we ship a 32-bit version. From that point, the next release, which will be roughly two years later, that product will only be available as 64-bit.
This is what MS server honcho Bog Muglai has to say indicating the future of 32 bit technology. Servers finally looking to shift completely to 64 bit tech. How about the desktop systems?

The need isnt there for the common computer user to die for 64 bit but for junkies, we always need more, hmmm!
The real barrier to wider adoption of 64-bit technology isn't hardware or the OS. It's the lack of compelling software. On the server side, there are great reasons to move to 64-bit technology for scaling databases and handling massive numbers of transactions. But where are the equivalent challenges for desktop users? With the exception of people running workstation-class video editing systems, who needs a 64-bit system?
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This entry was posted by Salman Siddiqui, on Monday, November 27, 2006. You can leave your response.

“64 is the new 32”

  1. Blogger Nitin Says:

    good to know

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