

The Genius Inside You Is Still Sleeping

Spam Doubles

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 by Salman Siddiqui

It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. Three years ago, Bill Gates, Microsoft’s chairman, made an audacious prediction: the problem of junk e-mail, he said, “will be solved by 2006.” And for a time, there were signs that he was going to be proved right.

Much of that flood is made up of a nettlesome new breed of junk e-mail called image spam, in which the words of the advertisement are part of a picture, often fooling traditional spam detectors that look for telltale phrases.

Spams are back. I personally saw a rise in spams in my mail box. Looks like the sites which promise to not to reveal your email to the public do it willingly. Else why would someone send me image spam informing about the latest viagra rates?

“At the beginning of the year spam was off our radar,” said Franklin Warlick, senior messaging systems administrator at Cox Communications in Atlanta.

“Now employees are stopping us in the halls to ask us if we turned off our spam filter,” Mr. Warlick said.

Spam At Amazon

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“Spam Doubles”

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